Last week saw the order of 100 cake pops, 30 packaged portions of Rocky Road, 10 tray bakes and three pastry platters. All in one order! What a mixture of emotions for little old me. To be trusted with such a big order was amazing being a new business, it was both daunting and thrilling. Thrilling, mostly once they were safely delivered. I think at one point I was a little high on the chocolate fumes.
To anyone ever crazy enough to make that many cakes in one go - write yourself a plan. I had checklists, timings and instructions coming out of my ears. Without them I would have quite possible had a small breakdown under the kitchen counter.

To top the week off, I made my first visit back to Essex - to throw another of my sisters a baby shower. Perfect excuse for little baby blue cake pops don't you think? I surprised myself how quickly I have got used to some of the aspects of life in Kirkcudbright. Sitting in traffic near the god forsaken QE2 Bridge I realised the last time I had even a modicum of road rage was being trapped behind a tractor, short lived and forgotten quickly, unlike the boiling wrath I feel now, days later just thinking about the absolute ridiculous pressure that goes with everything associated with living in the South East.
Having not quite got used to the not having cocktails and Primark readily available however, I sunk the cosmos and stock piled the tights until my next trip. I miss my pals and family and the more spontaneous social life I had. But I wouldn't swap making cakes every day for that. Essex, London you'll just have to give me what I need every few months..