Jumping from task to task - it was all too exciting and my head is just bubbling over with ideas that I just couldn't stick to one thing for more than an hour - I'm left with lots of things shaping up nicely and plenty of tasks that I am avoiding.
'Treats, Darling?' is now booked on to Farmers Markets across the county of Dumfries and Galloway - Yes, Dumfriesians there's a cake pop winging its way to you.
Alas, it wasn't that simple and one thing I learned this week is that I am not on London time anymore. I am not, I repeat, I am NOT in a hurry. Apparently.
Here, you can take your good sweet time and then some. So despite the efforts in technology and the embedded belief that when you send a trusty email you will receive an instantaneous response (I was brought up on MSN Messenger for Crissakes!) - that simply is not the case. Cue sitting on hands to prevent me sending a bunny boileresque impatient "Did you get my email?" email.
It's just the way it is. I pop to Tesco and give myself an hour knowing full well I will end up speaking to the checkout girl about the weather for a good half an hour ("CAN YOU NOT SEE THE PEOPLE WAITING IN LINE, LADY?!) Dropping the car in for an MOT and talking about Croydon for twenty minutes (don't even ask me how that is a possibility) and buying stamps and discussing my flip flops for god know's how long (OK, that one I will let slide. They are really pretty).
But simply - people have time. They aren't running at a million miles an hour to catch the DLR, they aren't working 12 hour days, they aren't stressed to the max. It's a revelation.
Yet, getting a business running, coming from a high speed job and city life is conflicting to say the least. Then again maybe this is how I have achieved so much in just a week - I haven't figured out how to slow down yet.
The website will shortly be launched - if I can just work out how the hell you transfer a domain name. Lots of angry and confused email's have been sent I assure you. New recipes have been trialed and stock, tools and very pretty pink business cards are on their way.

Full Steam ahead!