Well, baking of course. Never Ending Baking.
After the most amazing weekend at the Kirkcudbright Food Festival I feel like I have been flying ever since. The organisers must have waved a magic wand over the event it was truly amazing and such a privilege to be a part of.
Waking up on the first day I head off to the market with best pal and sisterling in tow (they were paid in cake for their services, rest assured) who were to man the stall while I set off to run two children's cake pop making workshops.
Trialing tonnes of new flavours - white chocolate and lemon, malteaser, the jammy dodger pop to name but a view I was petrified that no one would buy my cakes and left my helpers with "I want to be sold out and in an almighty panic by lunchtime!" knowing full well that would never happen.
The workshops were a blast. Give children icing and it will only be an adventure. With sponge in my hair, buttercream on my skirt and laughter tears on my cheeks - my sister ran in after the workshop hollering "Jade, get back in the kitchen, we've sold out!". Oh, ha-bloody-ha sister. This is not something to joke about, I am far too sensitive and figured this meant they had not sold a bean.
"Don't joke Sister" I huffed.
"No Jade, seriously, get back in the kitchen, the cake pops have nearly all gone".
Holy. Moly.

People like my pops. They liked my pops!!!! The rest of the weekend past in an exhausting and exhilarating blur. Culminating in the omelette challenge (the less said about that the better. Do you know how hard it is to break eggs under pressure?!)
No rest for the wicked and I now head in to what looks like two crazy busy months with tonnes of Christmas cake pop ideas up my sleeve. Treats, Darling? will be coming to a Christmas Fayre near you soon.
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